...is Neo-revolutionaries.
Tens of thousands of Americans protested high taxes on Wednesday by holding "tea parties," small public events that invoked the symbolic and revolutionary rejection of autocratic rule by our predecessors in 18th-century Boston. However, the cause of the current-day discontent isn't the imposition of taxes by an overseas despot, it's a progressive tax hike approved by our country's elected representatives. Do these guys look like they make $250k/year?

They wish. Next time I'm at a Fresno fast food joint and one of you fellas is behind the counter bitching about your baby momma's hospital bill, I won't have any sympathy. I know that in 10 years you'll wish that a) you had federal healthcare, and b) you'd gotten into a better college. And I love this lady:

"Zero taxes?" Is she for real? Let me imagine a scenario in which a group of people who pay zero taxes get together. They've built themselves houses and businesses but no one can agree on how to finance roads to connect them all. No one wants to pay for a part of the road that they'll never use, so no roads ever get built. This group also decides against fire houses and schools, because they don't want to pay to put out other people's fires or educate other people's children. Their tax-free utopia stagnates, since no one can travel very far without roads, the kids and teens stay dumb without schools, and when one these little idiots drops a cigarette in a pile of leaves, there are no firemen to extinguish the resulting fire, and the whole town burns to the ground.
And I can't believe that Fox News is fanning the flames of revolution. The mere idea of a news organization promoting and sponsoring a political protest is pretty disgusting, but what really gets me is that they're so flippant about it. The hosts know they're in a position of power (access to millions of viewers), and they know they have license to speak out beyond the scope of hard news reporting. This is not legitimate journalism, and yet it's legitimized every day because it's presented as such. They're selling us this interpretation of their product, and by not calling them out we're implicit in that interpretation's validation and normalization in our culture. That's not really ok.