Happy Halloween!  

Posted by Captain of the Poop Deck in

Snobbery and Shmuckery  

Posted by Captain of the Poop Deck in

I was waiting for my drink at a cafe today and a guy went to pick up his macchiato. He kind of stopped dead for a couple seconds and just looked into his cup, which I thought was hilarious since he was obviously expecting something more along the lines of what Starbucks serves. He walked back to his girlfriend in a daze, still gazing into his anemic drink. He still didn't quite believe it when he told her, "It's just, like, espresso." She said she was sorry in the way you tell a 5-year-old you're sorry the bug he just made friends with in the park flew away without saying goodbye. He was moved to ask the employees what a macchiato was, exactly, which is either pretty bold or pretty thick, since when this happened to me the first time I figured it out and was too embarrassed to protest.

The employees had to know by his bewildered face what had happened, but they feigned this total unawareness of the Starbucks menu, "A macchiato's just a shot with foam; 'macchiato' means marked, so the coffee's just marked with foam. Oh, you wanted like a Starbucks sort of...?" They left that question open-ended, inviting him to further belie his naivete. Another customer in line took it upon herself to help the poor gentleman by telling him in the most condescending tone I've heard outside of a Chloe outlet store, "You probably wanted a mocha or something, or a latte with lots of sugar and stuff." Well, yes he did, but hell if anyone with any pride at all was going to ask for one now. He went back to his girlfriend who offered up another helpless apology on behalf of the universe, and the folks in the cafe went back to ordering and drink sophisticated coffee like sophisticated people.

Neat Drums  

Posted by Captain of the Poop Deck in

I've never heard of this instrument before, but it's really sweet in a "don't play it at a party" kind of way.

Drum Kit  

Posted by Captain of the Poop Deck in ,

This rocks; it reminds me of Kraftwerk's website.

A/V Club  

Posted by Captain of the Poop Deck in

Here's a clip a few of my friends from way back when made, though I saw it for the first time today. Props for making something so short so awesome.

Nazis AHH  

Posted by Captain of the Poop Deck in ,

Stephanie and I found a bunch of old letters at a flea market written to one J. Lowell Groves over the course of several decades of his life. He was in the army, and one was even a love letter written overseas on Valentine's Day. Very touching. But his family, or his estate, sold off the whole lot at an auction, and this lady at the flea market was letting them go for $1/piece. She very obviously failed to grasp the story that lay within the papers she described to us as "pretty" and was splitting among hundreds of flea marketers such as ourselves. Anyway, here's one of them:

In case you missed it, it's from Munich, "Capital of the Movement," July 6, 1937, right smack in the middle of the Third Reich.

This month in Nazi Germany: the Buchenwald concentration camp opened not 250 miles from where this letter was sent. You can also see the postmark advertising the opening of Munich's "House of German Art" two weeks later, photographed here:

Thankfully, the region's dubious political climate didn't yet trouble the existence of Groves' correspondent, Mildred (and Georgie, by proxy), who was apparently on vacation at the Hotel Leinfelder which may or may not still be around, given the liberal airstrikes on Munich toward the end of the war and lack of the hotel's Google presence. The beginning of the letter:

Dear Lowell:
  Very happy to get letter. Lord knows after struggling with foreign signs, directions, reading some good old English writing is very soothing.
  Little Georgie boy is suffering from a beer "head" this morning so we are sticking close to the hotel in case their should be a sudden relief, and I don't think the citizens of Munich would like to see anyone hanging his head over one of their fountains, although geo. was doing pretty well for himself in the park out here, but it was a little crowded and one can't commune with one's inner-most self when there are so many passing by.

No biggie - just chillin' in the Third Reich getting drunk and having a good time. Those foreign signs! I know! At least there are plenty of friendly gestapo to help translate. Just don't ask about the ones that say "Juden auf diese Weise." Well, whatever; I can't blame them for not overthrowing the Nazis on their vacation; and it's probably best Georgie didn't throw up in any public fountains.


Posted by Captain of the Poop Deck

Working from home is the best fucking thing in the world. It's restoring my sanity.

And just because: