Killing and Kicking the Cable News Horse
Posted by Captain of the Poop Deck in media, politics
I'm gonna come right out and say it: I do not like Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann. They're not as awful as Glen Beck, Bill O'Reilly, or Nancy "my rich friend's control-freak mom" Grace, since I agree with them, but they exhibit the same smug, elitist, pseudo-apologetic and helpless presentation of themselves that the conservative folks do. I know they're kind of awkward and smart, but I don't think that's charming, I think that's irritating, at least when they exude this extreme superiority. And I guess they don't bill their programs as news shows. But they are on a news network, and even if they're "commenting" and not "reporting," they're just not representing themselves well. They will never change any minds because they'll get dismissed as easily as they dismiss people they don't agree with. Watch this. It sucks.
I'm pretty sure that looked waaaaay better in writing. If Maddow or Olbermann could do what they do now without the sarcasm and fucking know-it-all bullshit, I'd take it seriously. Maybe nobody watches them to take them seriously. Maybe people watch them because it's fun to vent. But that's why I watch Nancy Grace. So instead of getting incensed and furiously nodding at the TV, I get incensed and furiously yell at the TV. To each his own, I guess.